Current Projects

Brain, Behavior, and Well-Being (B3)

The Brain, Behavior, and Well-Being (B3) Study investigates how technology and digital media can influence health behaviors and well-being in adolescents. The purpose of this study is to address the urgent need to understand how technology and digital media use could impact adolescent development and health.

Trans* & Gender Diverse Influencers on YouTube (TINY)

Content analysis study aimed at understanding the content that transgender or gender diverse youth might encounter from popular transgender or gender diverse creators.

Trans* & Gender Diverse Youth and Their Parents' Experiences on Social Media (TYPES)

Interview study seeking to learn from trans* and gender diverse youth and their parents how they experience gender diverse content on social media and how that impacts their health care decisions and understandings. 

Social Media and Understanding Relationships with Friends (SMURF)

Longitudinal study that explores how teens use social media over a two-year period and how that impacts their overall wellbeing. 

Past Projects

Michigan Pediatric & Adolescent Trans-Health in Clinic (MPATHIC)


Partnership with the University of Michigan on the MPATHIC study, which is focused on the well-being of transgender youth receiving gender affirmative treatment.

COVID-19 Public Health Messaging on Tik Tok


Evaluation of the content of popular TikTok creators during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic to see if and how these creators demonstrated following CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

MyVoice- First Cell Phone


Short survey study that used the MyVoice cohort to better understand at what age youth got their first cell phone, for what purpose, and what age they would then recommend other youth to get their first cell phone.

Transgender Youth on YouTube & Tumblr (TTYT)


Interview study exploring transgender adolescents’ experience of social media for community support, information, and gender identity development. Utilized content analysis methods to summarize trans-specific content and available on Tumblr.